Messages for Japanaroo

  • Chris Minns

    Chris Minns MP

    Premier of New South Wales

    A message from the Premier of New South Wales, Mr. Chris Minns MP

    I welcome the return of Japanaroo for its third year of festivities. Held largely in Sydney, this event proudly promotes exchange and collaboration between Australia and Japan.

    The cultural events are always popular, and this year will be no different. Sydneysiders hold a deep affection for all things Japanese, from sake tastings to ikebana flower demonstrations and everything in between.

    There will also be opportunities to explore how we can work together more effectively, in areas like technology and innovation, and sectors like tourism and education.

    It really is a “choose your own adventure” kind of festival.

    I extend my thanks to the Embassy of Japan in Australia and the Consulate-General of Japan, Sydney for their ongoing support of Japanaroo. It has allowed the event organisers to bring together a truly vibrant program.

    On behalf of the NSW Government, I offer my best wishes for another successful year of Japanaroo. May it be the best one yet!


    Chris Minns MP
    Premier of New South Wales




    これはまさしく、「自分で冒険を選ぶ(choose your own adventure)」ためのようなお祭りです。




  • Tokuda Shuichi

    Tokuda Shuichi

    Consul-General of Japan in Sydney

    A message from the Consul-General of Japan in Sydney, Mr. Tokuda Shuichi

    Congratulations on Japanaroo 2023!

    Now in its third year, after first being held in 2021 in the midst of the COVID crisis, Japanaroo has become what it is today thanks to the efforts of many people who have overcome various difficulties to hold this series of Japanese cultural events.

    Once again this year, the Japanaroo period will see the participation of Japanese and Australian cultural organisations, universities and businesses, holding their own Japan-related events. It is pleasing to note that this year there is greater participation by younger and women organisers. While respecting the ownership of each organiser, it is hoped that Japanaroo 2023 will raise the profile of Japanese culture in Sydney.

    This will be the first time for me to attend Japanaroo. Soon, a year will have passed since I arrived in Sydney. On a daily basis, I have been impressed by how Australia respects multiculturalism. I have experienced the friendliness of the Australian people and felt that this is a country where it is very easy to be accepted and adapt. Japanaroo is an important event which can contribute to this multiculturalism and play a significant role in private diplomacy between Japan and Australia.

    According to the old Japanese lunar calendar known as kyureki(旧暦), September is Irodori-zuki (彩月). In the northern hemisphere, including Japan, Irodori-zuki is the time when autumn sets in as trees take on their seasonal colours. The season might be the reverse here in Australia, but I am sure that Japanaroo 2023 will bring its own cultural irodori to Sydney.

    I wish each event great success and hope that Japan-Australia friendship and ties will be further deepened through Japanaroo 2023.

    Let’s enjoy Japanaroo together!

    Consul-General of Japan in Sydney
    Tokuda Shuichi




    私自身は、Japanarooへの参加は今回が初めてです。シドニーに赴任して間もなく1年になりますが、豪州の多文化主義を尊重する姿勢に感銘を受ける日々を送っています。人々はフレンドリーで、非常に溶け込みやすく、「Easy to be accepted, adapted」な国だと感じています。Japanarooは、こうした豪州の多文化主義の実践に貢献するとともに、日豪の民間外交に大きな役割を果たす非常に有意義なイベントです。

    古来日本で用いられてきた旧暦では、9月は彩月(いろどりづき)と呼ばれています。日本を含む北半球では、季節が秋に差し掛かり、木々が色とりどりに紅葉するからです。季節が真逆の豪州でも、Japanaroo 2023がシドニーに文化の彩りをもたらしてくれると確信しています。

    Japanaroo 2023の各行事の大成功、そしてJapanarooを通じて日豪間の友情と絆がさらに深まることを願っています。

